Woke up at 7am to get some sunshine time with the bees. We went through about 3 hives, collected any comb full of honey, and checked on the queens.
Later on we drove to a different apiary with a similar plan. Some of the covers were off the hives when we got there. As we went into the hive, much of the combs had fallen off their top bar due to rain. We collected any of these that didn't have brood in them. The plan is to go back tomorrow with materials to secure the combs back to their top bars.
Some projects we will be working on intermittently: cleaning out the garden and transporting onions, removing bees from the comb buckets and harvesting honey & wax, cutlassing out a trail for the truck to reach an apiary easier, and of course daily updates on hives to make sure each is successful.
Earlier in the day I reached sting #7 and not until night did it start swelling. I am now sitting here with a bowling ball sized hand, somehow managing to type all of this.
On no! Hope the swelling goes down quickly.